Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Devil and the Angel

This subject have been on the  portal news after  Dr Mahatir’s statement that it is better to deal with the devil that we know rather than the Angel, we do not know.  At least , we know how bad it has been or how corrupted is our system.  Like when China took over Hong Kong, the China Government assured that “ the dances & parties  will continue , the horse races as usual “.

Yeah, it maybe so.  But sometimes, we can see clearly who is the Devil and who is the Evil.

As I have written before in an article, “ Can lovers remained friends after the relationship ends “?  In my Yoga class, only a class of 15 members , we could see the existence of the Devil and the Angel.

There was a dating couple . The male is a divorcee  while the lady was an innocent SYT. They met in our Yoga class and they got attached. He began to sent her to the Yoga class every day and we were like a family after a couple of years as yogis. One day, something change, they broke up.  Both of them started to come to the class in separate cars but there was tension when we did the Yoga.  The positive vibes was lacking in the class and I could feel some sense of uneasiness.

Then, the man became the Devil and start to befriend another SYT and begin to sent her to the class despite the presence of his old flame.  This incident makes me feel even more uneasy as the Devil should not be doing such things out of respect for her ex-flame.  If we are human, we cannot be seeking revenge through such kind of act.

Yes, we do not know what is happening between us . The Angel could be the Devil or the Devil could be the Angel.  What’s ever is  happening , it is a complete taboo to further deepen the hurt of another fellow human being even if he or she is a Devil.  It is a thing , a gentleman would never do. The best thing to do is to fade away and let time heals.

I cannot understand how can hatred go so deep to extend of killing or hurting each other. When the love is gone, let it go and let it be.  Let the storm subside and there will be clear blue sky.


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