Friday, September 21, 2012

A troubling thought.

I have a thought that is bothering me for the past week . It was not a serious matter but my ever fixing mind want to correct  the error of my peer.  It could be a judgement error by my peer due to his ignorance  and I could have stop it immediately but I let it happen anyway, thinking that some one will ratify it  later.  However, the error remained unratify until now.  It could be my imagination that the error could in the end hurt someone I loved.

The thought have been surfacing many times even in the middle of the night but I could brush it off and it disappeared to re-surface later.  Last night, it even bring cold sweat to my forehead.

Yes, my peer could have done it with a good intention but it could be a bad example and a morale degenerating error and could affect the teamwork as a result.  It could be nothing either and this error could have gone unnoticed.  However, my mind could not let it go and keep biting at it.

The thought makes me uneasy and I have wanted to go to my peer to tell him that his judgement is wrong. This should be the right thing to do even the error has no material impact.  But, each time, I put it off.

At times, I convinced myself that it is an immaterial error but at times, it is morally wrong or not a righteous act to hide the error. I am totally convinced by my flip flop decision or my effort to justify the wrong to be right.

In life , there are so many such  problems which caused our mind to go active and stressed up ourself in the process. For such problem, the longer it lingers , the error became to grow its roots and when we diecide , it maybe too late to change the situation.

We have to decisive and to re-act problem to resolve these type of problems.


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