Thursday, September 6, 2012

My 25th trip to Bangladesh

I have written a few articles on my trip and experience to Bangladesh and my peers have joked that it had become my 2nd home. Even my boss, called me a " Bangla man".  Yeah, I have promote and nourish the Company's project for about 7 years and from nothing to a factory which have been operating for the past 12 months.

Do I love this Country ? Well, it is not a matter of love but rather it is  a place good for business. I have came to know a few good man in Bangladesh who is passionate about their  Country.  Frnakly, it has been a good few years since knowing the Country.

This trip I bring along  my staff K, who is a first timer and I told him to prepare for a culture shock. The population have grown to 160 million people and in Dhaka alone, it has a official population of 12 million people but unofficially, it had more than 16 million in the city. So, what can see is people , people and people everywhere. When there is people , you will find alot of cars and various kind of transports like trishaws , bullock carts, bicycle, buses and lorries. Full of traffic and you can experience massive jams in the city.

You also  can see groups of people walking on the five foot ways, standing in dark corners and even at 10 pm , the city is still vibrant and active.  So much activities going around.

Life is so cheap here and people can earned as less as US$1 per day and they are surviving happily and going on doing their daily routine with jest and passion.

Last nite,  I saw a beggar without one arm and one leg and he was on a clutch. Without his hand and limps , he could move faster than a normal man with all their body parts intact. It was amazing and incredible to see him moving around so fast and  begging  for money or food among the cars , lorries and buses at a traffic light stop. I have seen less and less beggars in Chittagong nowadays and shows that the Country have progresss much.

Bangladesh is just like this crippled young man, filled with corruptions, mismanagement  and other handicaps but progressing in its own ways at great speed.  I have great hope and respect for this islamic country , thought it is poor but liberal in many ways and have its own brand of democracy.

Cheers , Bangladesh !


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