Friday, May 25, 2012

The tongue twisters - beware !!!

There is a saying “ every human have two mouth “  and there is a Chinese saying “ the mouth is sweet and the tongue in slippery”. What does these wise words mean ? How can a human being have two mouths ? Why the mouth is sweet  and our tongue can be slippery? Strange. These sayings have been passed down for many generations and it is still applicable to this day. These wise words depicts the dual nature of each human being when they are communicating with each another.  

There are many such people around who twisted and turn an event or the facts to their advantage for to create a discourse among people.  They will say one version of the event to A and a different version to B and their agenda to create a conflict or draw the support from this people by twisting the facts.  

Why than is the mouth sweet and the tongue slippery?  It means these people used sweet words and sweet words will come from a sweet mouth while the slippery tongue can twist and turn to create frictious and unwarranted trouble to other people.

When my mother was alive, she told me to be careful with such people who used people against people to their advantage or use people to kill another person.  This is the worst type of people to  be associated with. However, we should not let such people prevail either and create more harm to society.

The Holy Dalai Lama once said , “if you do not want to  help people , do not harm them”.  This advise is directed to these lowly creatures who is out to create havoc in this world. I hope we all should stand up and unveil their scheme and highlight their intention and agenda.  Brighten up these people and let others be aware of their existence and be weary of their words and actions. Shine a light on them.

Again, I would like to say “ Evil arises out of goodness “, the more good and forgiveness we give to these type of people, the worst it will become.  I do not agree with another wise Chinese sayings “ Things or events which is not related to us, we should not take actions “. This is really a selfish and unethical act.  We should STAND UP and be stronger than these weaklings.  GOD is not perfect, so we have to help GOD to perfect the situation.


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