Thursday, May 24, 2012

The beautiful mind

There was a book by this title and it talks about a professor who can do see and analyse extra-ordinary things. It was in a study that a normal human being use only 3% of the mind's capacity and for genius, they use more than 5% and for the super-genius , they would use more than 8% . So, if a human being can use more than 10% of his brain, he would be super intelligent and he could perhaps perform extra-ordinary  task.

How cou could we tap more into our brain power? In Anthoney Robbin's " unleashed the power within you". He talks about how to believe and bring out the best in you and unleashed your emotional and intellectual power in all of you. The most important factor is that we believe we can do the impossible and we set out to do it. In some cases, we will get into trouble and difficult problems.  If we try numerous times , then we will get better each time and eventually, we can do it.

If we believe in ourself and our capability, nothing is impossible or impossible is nothing. We can stretch ourself far and wide. When people are put in a spot or push to their limits, there are powers within us that will rise to the surface and make us do the impossible or extra-ordinary tasks.

Our mind can also play trick on us and if it exceed its limit,  strange things wll happen in our mind. The mind becomes illusional and we will be come unsure what is real . What we see outside or in our mind is real? What we see outside might not be real and what we feel and touch within us is real.

When we look at a thing the first time, it appears to us in a certain image but if we look at it the second time, it starts to change and if we look at it more and more times, the image will continue to change. If we glance at it quickly again , the image is different but if we slows it down, again the image is different. It is changing all the time depending how you do it. The thing is the same but our perception changed.

People have different perspective because they are seeing things in different angle and in a different mind. In many occasions, people argue and fight over what they see or not see .  They did not know that they are looking from different angles and at different time. Sometimes, even in different lights , that the same thing do look the same. This is the beauty of our mind and the greatest wonder in life.


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