Monday, May 21, 2012

Politics turn religions in dogma ( insight)

How true is this statement ?  Who  re-brand religion and turn it into their benefits ? Who else ? Politicians.  Yes, through their administrative influence or their falsehood interpretations. Religion is pure and simple and it is the people who makes it complicate and cumbersome.

In Buddhism, the lord Buddha’s teaching of the 4 noble truth and the 8 fold path which leads us away from suffering and to enlightenment. Through the years, his disciples and follows add their insight to make the religion complex and difficult to understand.

A monk’s life is not simple now and there are so many ceremonies, procedures and literatures which teach us to discipline our self and our mind and stir us towards enlightenment. The way of meditation, the way of thinking and the way to achieve enlightenment is so varied and diverse.

I have used the example of a path up the hill top and have urged my readers to use different paths to enjoy new adventures to the hill top.  In this case, it is the reverse.  There is one hill top and Buddha have lay the path to the top but in the end, there are so many path going in different directions to the top. So, which way shall we choose? The end result is the top.

So, Buddhism has so many types , the Thai style ( forest monk) ,the Tibetian type, the Indian type, the Japanese type, etc. So, diverse and yet the end is the same.

I read about this Islamic author , Irshad Manji  and I fully agreed with her that it is the people especially politicians who re-define religion  and use it to control the people.   The unenlightened became the enlightened and this is the most scary part  of the evolution.  Religion can be interpreted at different perspective or under different lights. This is utterly rubbish and we must go back to the basis and refrain from been bloody foods  following the unenlightened.

Such behavior is happening all over the world and it is instead evil rising out of goodness.


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