Monday, May 21, 2012

Chinese Art of Fung Shui - Wind & Water

What I am about to write is not on the subject of Fung Shui which is very complex and superstitious. ThisI  art is in the roots of the Chinese culture including palm reading and facial features reading. The art of fung shui is based on the belief that there is in existence bad chi or energy or good chi. Logically, we should collect as much good chi and divert away the bad chi. So, good chi will bring good fortunes and bad chi will bring bad incidences.

Who are the people who believe strongly in this art of managing the fung shui?  People who can feel or see and feel into the past and the future and they are sensible to the "happenings" around them.

I have a female staff, N who play all the fingurings of the deities or animals on her desk to fend away the evil spirit or chi. She has to faced a particular direction or her fung shui seat. Her favorable direction will change with every new lunar year.  It is impossible for her to change her desk very year so she will play the appropriate fingurings to block the bad chi and if the direction is correct, she will removed the fingurings.  It depends on your zodiac sign and you choose the right animal or deities fingurings. Not everybody used the same finguring or have the same direction.

This afternoon, I have a meeting with a Japanese colleague , T and on her table is a replica of a golden arowana fish. The Chinese believe that a golden arowana will bring good luck and fortune. So, it has spread to the Japanese.  I also saw a laughing Buddha on his table and T told me that the Buddha brings him happiness and relaxation. Suddnely, he gets up and show me a Balinese mask of  Deity in Bali. It was facing his back. He told me the arowana fish bring him good fortunue and his Balinese Deity mask will drive away the evil or prevent his adversary from backstabbing him.  he is well protected by the God and the good chi. T also told me that in his house, he has an animal replica and the animal will eat all the good things and will not shit it out. The meaning is very good that good fortune will come and stay inour pocket or our house.

I do not totally reject the art of fung shui and I believe that it can be scientific and logitic in some forms but in extreme, it is totally unbelievable.  Yeah , the hormony of a house depends on how we design it or landscape it. Some of the preventive forms are very logical like painting your house in red. Like fire which makes the people living in it very uncomfortable because of the unbearable heat or we should not wear black because black retained heat and make us feel very uncomfortable or a house entrance should not face a T junction because the head light of the car will continue to shine into the house or if some drunk driver can drive straight into the house.

Nevertheless, everything happen for a reasson or do not happen for a reason.  It is fate or destiny and like I say before, when it happens, it happens and if not that is the way , it should be.


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