Friday, November 23, 2012

Slow motion Yoga

My yoga session on last Thursday was a slow motion yoga. Previously, we have a blind yoga that is we closed our eyes to focus on the movement of our body and our muscles . What is slow motion yoga?

Nothing new.  Just slow down all the movements in your own slow pace.  Oh, it must  be easier. Hey, wrong , man! The slower the pace, the move strenuous. Yoqu can try to hold up your hands and slow lowering it down then you will feel that it needs more effort and pain to do it.

In the past, I have written about an event that I cannot forget for the rest of my life.  I was at a meditation center learning the art of meditation and I saw a Eurpean women practicing her walking mantra. She took 30 minutes to walk the full 10 feets. It was so amazing. She looks not moving but yet she is moving very slowly. You can imagine the concentration and control of her mind and body. It was an amazong feat and it come from a westerner. blow my mind.

My slow motion yoga also test on my mind and body control. Just imagine if you are in a pumping position and you need to lower down your whole body by the count of 5 and gradually increasing it to a count of 10. The pressure of your body on your arms intensify many folds as the seconds passes by. It is your mind over body and most people will fall if their mind is not strong.

Just imagine we have to do the whole session at this slow pace. It was really a test of our mind over our body and most people would have failed if they don't have a strong mind. Our body is always resisting pain and we need to use our mind to control our body. If we focus on the pain, we will be defeated but if we focus on the movement and intensity of muscles , then we will be drawn away from the pain.

If we go against the traffic , we wil lbe crushed but if we go along with the traffic , we will just float along. Let your mind tell your body to relax and enjoy the stress and the pressure, then we can stand  longer in the pose.

So, happy wondering and try it sometimes... ok?


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