Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Image of Mother Mary

In the song by the Beatles " Let it be " , there was a verse which goes like this " Mother Mary come to me and she smile " and this was the image on the glass windown. It was not the stone which get me high but it is a dotted image.  Miracle have happen and this is another manifestation.

Many years ago, I had a class mate who was a very strong believer in " Sai Baba". One day , we met on the road after not seeing each other for years and he got down my address and told me that he will visit me one day.  So, we departed and a couple of days later, he drove to my house and pick me up and he wants to show me the manifestation of " Sai Baba".  At that time, Sai Baba was still alive and he was turning gold out of thin air and he has a very huge following in India.

He drove to a house not far from my house and asked me to follow him and I did just that.  He went into a house which I eagarly followed and in the living room there was a big potrait of Sai Baba and there was ashes coming out of the glass frame and the ashes gathers round his hair and face of his photograph.  It was an amazing phenomena. I looked around at other photographs but there was no ashes on them. My friend told me that there were many incidences of ashes appearing on the photograph of Sai Baba.

Now, Sai Baba have passed away  and I do not know whether the ashes keeps growing or not. Nevertheless, such phenomena cannot be explained so easily. There was also news about the statute oozing out milk or blood  and these incidents are passing miracles.

Why are people looking for miracles ?  Some people are seeking the truth , others are seeking fortunes and others are trying to get blessing to their prayers. Everyone have a motive and this motive is something personal.  Whatever it will be ....maybe one day, instead of ashes , gold will appeared on the portrait of Sai Baba and it will resolve the Genneva gold problem.  Hopefully.


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