Saturday, November 3, 2012

Skyfall - 007 James Bond

I watched the movie "skyfall" at the Golden Cinema at GP last nite. It was an impromptu decision as I was shopping with my wife.  She was agreeable but she complaint of the extreme cold in the einema. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful movie and we managed to focus our mind and relax for the next two hours.

The movie started off with Adele singing the theme song " Skyfall" which was co-composed by her and her voice was extremely beautiful and soulful. It was like the Angel singing from the Sky  and sending a message to the world. Extremely touching and wonderful.  The meaning of the song is the sky will fall one day if the people become more and more destructive.

The plot was quite complex and the  ploteoves away form organized villians and big terrorist organization.  Nowadays, any single person with a vast wealth and intelligence could hide under a shadow to threaten the soverienity of a country or the world.  The movie was fully of actions with an aging and wounded James Bond tracking down the enemy and eventually, tricking him into  the wood wards of Scotland and finally killing  the enemy in a traditional way. By the way of a knife.

One of the amazing scene was the night view of Shanghai and it is incredibly beautiful and magnificent.  The tall bulding structures and its marvellous designs almost make me breathless. I have been to Shanghai and I have toured the city at night.  It was nothing comparable to the night view in the air.  The highway infra-structure was excellent and we can see it was well connected to handle the tremendous flow of traffic. It was a breath taking view.

From Shanghai , it moves on to Macau and it is another beautful city and in the end, it was the wood ward of Scotland.  The beautiful vast waste land of Scotland  which retains its nature and natural beauty. The freshness of the air and the remenants of the past reflecting the rich history of Scotland.  The switch of sights and scenary was amazing and wonderful.

The whole moive was make for entertainment and it was what I get - first class entertainment and a wonderful two hours of intriques and actions.

The message is that with advance intel and computer networking , anybody can start a war behind a mask or in the shadow.  It is a freightening world and the actions are getting more and more explosive.  People can carry out a crime without identity and trace.

So, Beware and behold.


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