Sunday, November 25, 2012

Re-inforce our energy

Why are we frequently tired  or low in energy?  We yawn alot and do not have enough sleep or rest 
and we dozed off while doing something  or waiting. Most of the time we cannot focus or in a daze.
It time to be aware of this happening to you and your body is telling you something.

There is something wrong with you and you have to take actionthy s to provide a solution for yourself. Low energy and feeling tired, take away your good life. You are unable to do what you should do or need to  do and you comprised your life, your work, your responsibiliyt , your loved ones and your friends.  By not taking any appropriate actions, you are been selfish.  Look into yourself and zoom into your problem.

There are several possibilities and solutions and you really have to consider and take urgent actions to put this problem behind you.

1) It maybe your life style - change your habits, friends ,balance your work life  and pursue your interest. Try qigong, Tai Chi , yoga and tap the universal energy from above.

2) You maybe sick - see a Doctor and get the appropriate mdication ie high blood pressure.

3) It can be the food you eat - explore the food your eat , make sure there is enough vitamins and nutrition and sufficient amount to provide the energy. Try some energy drinks which meet your taste and passion.

4) It maybe your character or hereditary- be aware of this weakness in you and try to change your habits even if it is difficult.

5) Your body chemistry - it maybe your layback attitute and your passive lifestyle. Exercise and improve your mobility. Find the spark that draw you out.

6) Frustration or stress at work or personal life - improve your wisdom and have enough rest. Balace your working and private life.

7) Your monkey or troubling mind - discipline and tame your mind  through meditation or get proper training to keep the discipline.

There is a reason for everything , just keep exploring and searching to find the source of your trouble. Once you get it , remove and change it with vigor.


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