Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It is very difficult to say sorry - insight

By saying sorry,  it is like admitting a mistake and it will lower our creditability or give us shame.  This is the usual re-action from a lot of unwise people.  We are always perfect and saying sorry makes us look bad in front of others.  We lose our face and our ego and most of all our self esteem.

Today, I have an unusual encounter and this comes from my Japanese colleague who openly say " sorry, I apologize from my mistake ". It caught me in surprise.  This Japanese colleague have been very bossy and hard headed and to see him apologize so humbly to me for his mistake , really open up my eyes.  Yes, why is it so difficult to say " I am sorry". It only make up of three simple words.

We can speak a thousand words but to say these three little words could carry tons of energy or weight  and some of us die by without saying these words.  There are many such people who could admit no wrong. It is so funny but if you look at it, it is only plain ego.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting and my boss asked me to explain some legal scope of a subject and I make a very simple explanation to a group of key managers and my boss stopped me and correct me.  I felt nothing and I was not angry at all. He knows the subject better than me and he puts in a correction and so what is the big deal ?  Some people would have felt embarrass  and shameful but I am not perfect and I am not a master of all.  I felt I could say sorry to him in front of so many people but I kept quiet instead .  I should gone a bit further by apologizing and say I am sorry because I have came unprepared.

I know a young girl who told me that she spoke to her mum about her feelings and instead the mum scolded her for telling out her true feelings.  The girl was hurt and she cried and cried and cried.  I don't know why she cried ? I asked why she cried ?  She told me that she was hurt but if someone disagree with our view or our thinking and they scold us , why do we cried ? It is very normal to disagree or agree to disagree.  Is it that we cry because we are hurt  or pride have been torn apart or our love have been rejected ?  Don't you think there is a lot of ego in the crying ? Take away the ego, then you will remained calm in the face of anger.

Most of the time, we think about ourself , our pride and our ego and this is the weakness that we should be aware which could create havoc in our life. We will never grow and I would like to say that past mistakes is to guide us and not to define us.  We have break through and  realize this precepts.


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