Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yesterday was a grey day

Grey is said to be a perfect color.  The mid color between black and white which are both extremes. The middle path taught by the Great Buddha.

Yesterday, I experience a grey day and it was not  a perfect day. Early in the morning, the sky was grey as a result of a gloomy sky and this stretched into the evening.  The whole day was grey and it affected my emotions and I could sense the world have stood still and its color unchanged.

It was a kind of yesteryears' feeling and I have gone back in time. As early as during my secondary school days when I used to cycle to school.  Once, I fell sick in school and I have to cycle home and the feeling was uncomfortable and I have floating feeling due to fever in my body.  This back into the past feeling affected me and make me feel I am in a time tunnel.

Yeah, time have flown past  and I trapped in my teen years while my body have aged so much.  This feeling is unexplanable and strange. The grey color makes me feel more down driven.

I have wrote before in my article that raining days and mondays gets me down and it surely did even there is no raiing but just gloomy.  Have to stay awake and face the reality in life. I have to march on.


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