Saturday, October 13, 2012

Buffet lunch , Friday at G-Hotel, Penang

I was at a tax seminar on last Friday at G-Hotel and during the lunch break, I sat beside my friend, KS and we had a very interesting coversation.

He looks very young for his age and full of energy and life.  He was a very senior person with his firm and during lunch, he eat only a bowl of salad and a small portion of noodle soup.  He has lost 8 kg during the past five weeks after he has took up a healthy diet.  He does pumping for 50 times on alternate days of the week . His reason is that the muscles will take 24 hours to recover and so, daily exercise could be more damaging to his body.

For his daily diet, he took four eggs without the yoke for breakfast everyday and took 3 big green apples a day for the anti-oxidant  and a daily consumption of soya beans.  He took very small portion of carbohydrates. For his anti-aging supplements , he taking age-lock which have some effect of reverse aging process.

Apart from his diet, he told me that he enjoy his job and he smell very day and find reasons to laugh and enjoy each of his problems.  He told me what is the use of having a sour face everyday and treat every challenge a joyful event. 

With diet and his life philosophy, he keeps himself young , vibrant and radiant. This is the right way to live a life and the most important thing is to doing the things you like.  If we do the things we like, it is not working but enjoying ourself.  We have to fine tune our mindset  and make the right choice for ourself and really, really live a good life.

There is a wise saying " three years ot a young person is a long time but three years to an old folk is a short time".  If you are struggling , time is long but if you are enjoying , time is very short.  If you have not come to this age, you will never understand it. 

During my younger days, my mother always remind me that but I do not understand what she is talking about . Many of her wisdom fell on my deaf ears but now when I reach her age, I realized what is she trying to tell me . When I said that same thing to my daughter M, she blinks her eyes and take it likely.
History repeat itself and I told her that she will realized the wisdom when the time is right.

The buffet lunch was quite good and there was ample variety including the desserts . I enjoy the good food but I did not eat much because of my conversation with my friend , KS.

I would like to wish him the best and hope that he could keep up the regime and keep forever young. For me, I live to eat and I will let the natural aging process take place while I try to keep an active life.
Like I always said " one man's meat is another man's poison" so live and lets live.


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