Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The passing and coming of the Greats

I love the Deep Purple songs.  I grow up with it  and I am crazy about the song “ Smoke on the water”. This song was co-written by Jon Lord and now he is dead at 71.  He died of cancer and complications of  chest infection.  He was a  great musician.

Next, was  Stephen F  Covey, the author of the seven habits of highly effective people.  He died due to the severe injury of head as a result of  a biking incident.  He was 79. His books sold for more than 25 million copies and he had became a management guru  to millions of people.

How they become so famous ?  Jon Lord wrote a  great song and Stephen Covey wrote a great book. Both are creators of their own rights  and they shared  the same vision and they dare to be different and put their thoughts into action.   They want to be someone different and finally, they created something different which is very liked by the masses.

This kind of greatness have been happening through thousands of years.  Some became great actors, politicians,  authors , song writers , religious leaders and gurus even great chefs or great business man or painters,  a wonderful  computer gargets like Iphone, Ipads, etc. The list is not exhaustive and it run into hundreds and thousands.

You can be one of them if you put your mind to it and persistently follow it through.  A vision remained a vision and if you take action to change into a product , it became a creation. If that product have mass appeal, you can become great.  If you do not try, you do not know.  The difference between a vision and a creation is action.  Just one step and it is within your ability to do it.

Remember, you can become one of the Greats. Just dream, visualize, action , creation and you become GREAT.


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