Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blessed with good health

Last week, my colleague told me that she  is suffering from Thalamiasmia which is a form of blood disorder. The disease arises due to the lack of red blood cell which cut  ooff sufficient supply of oxygen to the vital organs. The red blood cells cannot derive from food, pills or any other means except  by blood infusion.  Again, if there is excessive red blood cells, it will clog the vital organs and caused organ failure and eventually lead to death.  The main cause of this disease is hereditary, through the genes. This is a simplified explanation of the disease.,

After this discussion with my colleague,  the thought of this disease order have been constantly floating in my mind and when I read the Star Newspaper today, there was a very detailed article on this disease.  It was a good reminder  to all of us  that it is very fortunate to be blessed with good health and we should value it very much and do our best to maintain it.

There was  a story of a boy who complain that he do not have a good pair of shoes despite having many shoes in his belong and one day, he saw a man without legs and trying his best to move around and make himself happy.  This is to tell us that we have more than we need but yet we are not happy.  We lost our focus in life and to pursue something more than we need.  We gave the excuse that we are scare of poverty  and we cannot live in a lesser  comfortable environment and for these reasons we strive for material wealth. The more the better and the most is perfect.

In the process, we spoilt the good health that we have been blessed and seek money to repair our damaged health.  We go in a big circle to seek what we have from birth.  This is the irony of life.  I have written several article on this matter  and I would continue to inspire all of you to eat well, move well and sleep well.

Keep moving and maintain a balance life and  we will realise that it is a very simple task. We change our stage of mind, we change our life.


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