Monday, August 13, 2012

The swelling anger.

There is a theory that if we shout or sing at high pitch, it will result in the death of millions of our brain cells. Fortunately, these dead brain cells can self generate themselves and replace all the dead brain cells. Otherwise, we will suffer from dementia or maybe Parkinson disease after each shouting match.

This morning, I have a shouting match with my colleague from Bangladesh. He was shouting like a madman over there and trying to push all the responsibilities to me at over this end. He started to talk nonsense like he will slap the people over in Penang or asked me to scold this people to give him the support. I dislike these kind of talks. He behaves like a gangster or a Yakuza and only trying to assert his power through his position or through scolding or shouting at people. I disagree as basically, I am always seeking a compromise to a problem.

After the shouting, I began to feel that I am hurting my body. My blood pressure shot up and my face turn hot. These are signs that my body was stretch to the limit and I have to cool off. It was like a runaway train if we still engage in the conversation. I cut him off and I told him that I cannot talk to him anymore. I have to cool off and I put down my phone. It is important that our body can adjust to our blood pressure and if it shoots up , it better come down fast enough so that the body would not be hurt further.

I feel that after doing Yoga , my body was able to response at greater speed to cool down. I think it could be due to the heavy breathing exercise and the persistent training on my body. I find that I am more flexible now than before.

 If our body do not know how to response, then we could suffer stroke or heart attack and could eventually die. Persistent exposure to these stress is also not good for the body and the mind.

I am not recommending to involve in a shouting match and to use Yoga to control it . Basically, shouting is very harmful and it not only hurt us mentally or physically but also our relationship with others.

 We should refrain from this response and if the other side is shouting, we should not response and shut down our phone as the other person is temporarily become insane. Taking this approach is a better option.


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