Friday, October 22, 2010

Listen to your heart

I like this song because it has very good dharma in it although it is a love song. Alot of time , our emotions gets the better of us or control us and we behave very irrationally. We feel down, tired , confused and disillusion and don't know what to do. The answer lies within us and  all we need to do is to  listern to our heart and search deep within us and there will be an answer. There is alot of intelligence and strength in us and we really need to keep an open heart and let our intelligence control our emotions and not the other way.

I have a few yoga teacher and one of my yoga teacher is Jack , a 60 years old man and teach mystic yoga. He believes in the universal force and a strong believer in re-incarnation. He told us that we are evolving from one universe to another universe through time and  it depends on what we do in this life and if we have good karma, we will move up the realm  and finally return  as light back to the light source n the universe. Apart from doing the normal yoga pose, he will lead us to a session of meditation which starts with opening our chakra  and  drawing the universal force from above into our body. Before we can receive the universal power, we will need to open our chakra and  our heart  to receive it. Once the power is in our body, we will be able to cleanse and  detox our body, revitalize and repair our body. 

After each session, he will asked us whether we feel the light source or not. Most of the time , I feel nothing except internal peace, quiet , bliss and de-stress.  Slowing down our breathing and motion in a meditative trance can make us totally relax. One of the dharma teach us to  slow down ourself and  we will be able to learn more of our body and ourself.  If you do things very fast, you will not be able to  realize and understand our actions and its impact on your body. To be slow means you become more aware and concsious of each moment and motion.

So, to reap the maximum benefit is to open your heart and listen to it. It will tell you alot about your body.and your capabilities. Just like the lyrics in the song, you don't know where you are going and you don't know why. So, go deep within and listen to your heart.. There is always an answer.

Loving compassion.

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