Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crap mentality

Why do we use this phase ? and why not other things but crap ? It is because crabs walk side ways and when you put them all in one container, the crabs will try to pull each other down when they try to climb out of the container.  In other words, it depicts a set of negative mentality and it is used to define people's character of backstabbing each other and pulling down each other to prevent one from getting a promotion in job or success in a project.

For the Japanese, they have a similar phase and that is to hammer down any protruding nails especially in a culture where  everything is based on seniority.  THe culture do not allow meritocracy or bright ideas to gain prominence.

This mentality is very strong especially the older generations but in the current scenario, this mentality promotes inefficiency and kills creativity.  Those organization having this culture have either closed shop or on the verge of closure because market competition and needs for creativity  for sruvival.

Applying this concept to our way of living , this negativity attitude suppressed talent and communication.  People will be scare to share their ideas or speak up because of mass pychology of people with the crab mentality.  We should eliminate this fear and mind set to promote frank discussions and communication to make this world a better place to live.  By promoting and recognizing creativity, technological advancement will be faster and new products and concepts will make our life easier.

Buddhism promotes self development and discipline and allow us to grow internally and gain wisdom through self intelligence and wisdom. Never fear because fear manifcest fear. Do what we think is right and live for yourself, rather then for others.


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