Friday, March 2, 2012

My friend, ES is retiring

This afternoon I happen to call an old time friend,ES he is a senior manager with a big local banking group. ES have been hinting to me that he will be retiring soon but each time, he delays his intention. Today, he told me that he will be submitting his resignation letter and will be retired in a month's time. I tickle him and make a joke " Are you sure?" and a definite "yes" came back on the line. I want to do my business before it is too late. I am not sure of the real reason but he has told me that the work pressure is getting heavier and heavier each day and month.

He told me that his management is increasing his target every year irrespective of the market conditions. The general business condition is down but his target is always on the rise. Maybe another 10%. If he is unable to meet the target, he will be humiliated at the weekly business meeting and infront of his subordinates. According to ES, some of his current bosses are younger than him and he told me it is getting more and more difficult to be scolded by his younger peers or bosses. Well, that is the fact of life.

But, going into business is not easy either. Instead of a few bosses,all his customers will be his bosses and human behaviours are unpredictible and crude at times. Nothing is easy in business and there will be a full bus load of responsibility or liabilities. Sometimes, you won't have enough time to eat, sleep or rest. The strains of business is heavy and cruel. Some people are make to be businessman but some are not. For ES,I worry very much as he does not have the cut to be a good businessman.

I always tell my friends. Those people work in a factory or a bank is like a pot of beautiful flower, fourishing in the air condition room but if you take it out in the sun, it will die immediately if the comforting condition is change drastically. Don't under estimate the power of the "sun".

I wish him all the best and I hope he can curve out a path for himself in the business world. Miracle can happen and I do hope it will happen for him.


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