Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I was upset today - that was my choice

I have a yoga class today at 7.15pm and it took me about half an hour from my working place to my yoga center. At 6.30pm, I started to wait for my wife to come down from her office to my car. I texted her that I was waiting for her and she text back that she will be late. I texted her to remind her of the yoga class. She replied that she will be late. I was in suspense. Is she going to the yoga class or not? It leaves me wondering while I waited for her.

At 6.55pm, she came running to my car and I took her that we shall be late and she say that we can still make it. As usual, I speed to my destination and after closing the Penang bridge, I turn to the right instead of the left which is of lighter traffic. The right will be a shorter distance and when I passed Tusco, I know I was wrong. I quickly make a turn to my right over the overhead bridge and come out into Jelutong road. I make a left instead of a right and I ran smack into a bad jam. The cars was crawling and moving inch bhy inch. I decided to overtake all the cars infront of me and came face to face with a policeman. He look at me and then he went to his bike. I make a uquick turn at the roundabout and also into the direction of an on-going traffic. One bike almost went smack into me. I was lucky as the bike rider make to sway away. I continued my journey towards my yoga center.

The traffic on the road was very heavy and all the cars was moving in a snail opace. What I do but to tag along ? Finally, I reached my yoga center. It starts to rain but we managed to get in the center quite dry.

There was only a few students and I believe it was because of the traffic and the rain. Yeah, we were late by 15 minutes but we pretend as if everything was okay. My yoga teacher was paying attention to us. Maybe because we are late but what the hell. We continued to do our post and after sometime, my teacher came and adjust our post. Yeah, she was a young lady and I believe she do not possess enough wisdom to be a guru.

My message in this write up is to impress on all of you is that our journey is make happen with our choices. My wife have decided to come down late, it was her choice and my choice to wait for her, I decide to take the left instead of the right and again run smack in a bad jam. Yeah, we arrived late and my teacher was not happy. It was a result of the series of choices that I have make or my wife make for us. The choice we choose will determine our journey and the outcome of our life. Our choices could have push us to our limits or have caused difficulties or pain to us. There is nothing we can do about it, so, we look into ourselves and locate the joyful moments and bring it out to mitigate the pain and burn away the suffering. This act will make our life better and happier. It is not point staying in the doldrums and we have to find happy moments in our memory to lift us out of the depressionary doldrums.

Our life journey is make by our choices and our decision. It can be simple , it can be complicated and it could be hurtful or happy, it is up to us.


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