Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I have a devil sleeping on me.

It was years ago and the memory was vivid as I remember the night, I felt a devel was sleeping on me. I could not moved or yell but continuing struggling to wake up or push the devil away. I was frozen stiff and was awake and was aware that I could not move. It was fearful.

I do not know the reason why it happen to me. Maybe because I am exhausted or too tired that I had this feeling. This absurb feelings.

My yoga teacher was asking us to bring out our fear and let our heart melt it away. The last few days I have been thinking to myself about melting this memory away. The more I fight it, the more it gets real and stronger. What shall I do ?

I could only focus on my ability to melt my heart and one day, it will open up and this scary memory could just fall out and disappear. My finges should be gripping it too tight but I must learn to let go of my grips and let the things I am holding fall out. Yes, the same impact like melting the heart.

During my yoga practise, the more I relax my heart, the more deeper is my pose. My shoulders just sinks into my body following the direction of my melting heart. In the midst of doing this pose, there was a surge of energy and it becomes effortless and easy.

When can I bring the devil from my mind and let the positive energy destroy it and I will become lighter and better. I do not know when the memory of the devil will come out again but I will try to keep a melted heart to let it fall out.

I will end this message with an "OM" and may I have the strength to kill the memory of the devil in me.


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