Sunday, March 11, 2012

Life is short

Sometimes,we think that we can live forever and push the thought of death deep in our mind. It is a taboo to talk about death. Nobody likes to read about death or think about death. But, the topic is very real and definite. It is only a matter of time.

Yet,if we cannot control the time of death, then why should we talk or think about it. Yes, this one of the reason, we have refused to control by this thought and live today as if it is the last. We should not procastinate things that we need to do and just do it as it comes. We are not the master but time is the master and what we have is only now. So, just do the things you want to do and enjoy doing it at the same time. Don't wait for tomorrow may not come.

I have written countless article on this matter but it keep coming back to me to remind you,folks. The importance of NOW.

In one of my article, I have wrote that my 2nd brother had a by-pass and I sense that his character have changed very much. From a quite chatty person, he was withdrawn and refuse to do anything but resting on the sofa and watching TV. He only answered me when I asked him a question. I feel that the spirit is gone and he has no desire to work or move. I hope this only temporary and he will recover in time. His re-action to life as if he has suffered a serious trauma. Another chance in life but again, he realised that it is very fragile.

Yeah,during this weekend as I rest myself, I could feel that time really flies very fast. Days turn in weeks and into months and into years. The show must go on and nobody is indispensable. We are just a dust in the Universe and so is our impact. So immaterial and just like a speck of dust.

There are several choices in our life. We can choose to be idle, dormant, lively or an important person. We have a role to play and the role depends on what we want and aspire. Some people have big dreams and some very small dreams. But, it is very important that we are bappy.

Onee, someone told me that HAPPY is make up of only 5 letters but it is so difficult to find happiness. I know it is difficult but if we are contented than we can find happiness. How to measure contentment? How much or what do we have in order to be contented? Again, it is a very difficult question because contentment varies with individuals. Some people is contented with a small house but some others will be contented after they have a big bungalow. Again, the contentment is shifting everyday as Greed or having more is the motivation factor. We have manage greed or the desire to want more before we can have a manageable contentment target.

Managing our mind and to become more aware of the fragility of life and the passage of time could manage our desire or greed and bring down our contentment level to a more simple and achievable level. If we can do that, we will be happy. Remember, life is short, so slow down and re-focus and enjoy a blissful journey.


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