Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Living food cures - a book ( interesting inspirations)

Living Food Cures

The Amazing Stories of 11 People Who
Beat Disease Using Raw and Whole Foods

Can a proper diet cause one's immune system to begin functioning at high levels so high the body heals itself from so-called "incurable diseases"? The answer is a resounding, "YES!" You're going to love reading these inspirational, ture stories about those who've overcome serious illness and reversed disease naturally ... with "Living Foods."

Down-to-Earth Stories, About Real People, Who Changed their Diet
And Experienced Astounding Results In their Physical Health …

These stories, along with the type of diet followed, are now offered a brand new book entitled, "Living Food Cures: The Amazing Stories of 11 People Who Beat Disease Using Raw and Whole Foods."

Consider the following true stories. I interviewed each of these individuals and they shared with me how consuming “living foods” produced dramatic improvements in their health …

Larry, a retired college teacher, was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Years later, he is still going strong after refusing to go the conventional medical route.

Justin is a singer/musician who was diagnosed with (of all things) cancer in the throat. Yet, just a year later, he saw his doctors call in technicians to see if the x-ray machine was broken ... because Justin's cancer wasn’t appearing on the screen.

Judy was diagnosed with "incurable" Multiple Sclerosis 20 years ago. Her most recent brain scan, however, showed that all of the lesions she once had on her brain are now gone.

Karen is a legal professional. While still a young woman, she suffered a sudden case of paralysis as she was about to begin pursuing her career. After finally being diagnosed with Lupus years later, she turned to nutrition, and is now 95% free of all its symptoms.

Suzy suffered from bi-polar disorder for decades. Then one day, she heard a man speak who opened a door of knowledge and showed her how living foods could bring incredible healing. After doctors told her she’d “never” be able to get off powerful psychotropic medicines, she hasn't even taken an aspirin in years.

Lee is a successful business owner whose life became overwhelmed by a strange "mental fog." But a friend however, shared with him exactly what to do after doctors informed Lee that he had brain cancer.

Faye suffered with severe digestive problems and pain throughout her body for years. After many desperate attempts to find a solution, a visit to a living foods retreat center brought about a stunning reversal to her condition ... in just 4 days.

Mariana had been overweight and sickly for years (ever since she was a child). As her sickness progressed into a diagnosis of breast cancer, a friend told her about whole foods and a healing center where she could learn more about them. Thus began a journey that put her on the road to recovery.

Danny began waking up each morning with arthritic pain and stiffness. It eventually became so bad he’d have to take a hot shower for an hour just to get his joints limber enough to go to work. His doctors said he was headed for a wheelchair. So Danny spent many weeks, reading book after book, until one day, he made a dramatic discovery … and quickly became 95% pain-free.

Jerrod was a Nascar race driver ... with a lovely wife and his whole life in front of him … until a diagnosis of stage-4 melanoma threatened to take it all away. Then he remembered a “crazy diet” his aunt and uncle were doing for their health ... and is now in the best physical shape of his entire life.

Samuel is an international lawyer and human rights advocate whose career (and life) was nearly cut short with a diagnosis of “massive bladder cancer.” Now he continues to defy medical odds with a nutritional routine that contains mostly fresh vegetables and fruits.
Also included ...

Precise Information About What Foods Can Make You Sick
– And Which Ones Help Bodies Self-Heal ...

What one medical doctor prescribes that helps many of his patients “routinely” and completely recover from diabetes, arthritis, lupus and more. (And it makes some other physicians angry). Page 37.

The single most important factor in whether or not a person’s body will be able to “handle” mutated cancer cells. And what one medical researcher discovered about the growth (or reversal) of cells that become tumors. Page 42.

Why the longest running study ever performed about the link between diet and nutrition confirms. How a plant-based diet powerfully offers remarkable benefits when it comes to long-term health and weight loss. Page 43.

How to Live a Long and Healthy Life (Even If You Think You’ve Got Bad Genes). Why Vegans Tend to Avoid Having Heart Attacks … and Lung Cancer Rates are Lower -- Even If They’re Smokers. Page 47.

How many patients end up dying from conventional medical treatments (instead of the diseases they were fighting). The unsettling statistics the medical community never shares with most patients. Page 65.

The “Faith” aspect of all healing. Everyone puts their trust in someone … or something … to try and get their body to heal. The questions you need to ask yourself (and your physician) before pursuing conventional medical treatments for disease. Page 67.

Has your doctor ever studied nutrition? You may be surprised at the answer. And why it’s important for you to know! Page 69.

Is your body meant to “eat meat?” Some wild truths you’ve probably never heard before. Why this issue may be one of the most important things you’ll ever discover when it comes to getting victory over disease, including cancer. Page 92.

The deadliest foods you can eat. They’re toxic to your entire system. These are the main foods to avoid when embracing a nutritional approach to healing. Page 115.

What are “dead” foods? What are “living” foods? Why knowing may be the difference between life or death. Page 121.

Why “eating raw” can enable your body to heal itself? A simple explanation of the logic behind consuming living foods -- for healing and long-term health afterwards. Page 123.

The easy way to get vital living nutrients into your bloodstream in as little as 10 minutes, several times a day. This one nutritional exercise has probably reversed more disease in the last 75 years than any other. Many start getting well within days of implementing it. Page 126.

The foods to consume that always offer your body the highest quality nutrition for self-healing. You’ll start craving these foods … and you won’t need to walk around hungry, feel bloated, or ever “go on a diet” ever again. Page 140.

And much more ...
Each and every day, doctors inform tens of thousands of people across the globe that they’ve been diagnosed with a severe illness. And those doctors’ reports bring fear and uncertainly. This is why you need to encourage either yourself (or others) with great stories and practical lessons regarding a successful nutritional approach for healing.

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