Monday, February 6, 2012

The crazy hot weather in Penang

I read that it has been extremely cold in Europe and some airports have closed due to the frost and hazy weather. Some people have been frozen to death during the sudden freexing cold sweeping through Europe. What an irony? In South East Asia and in Penang, Malaysia, it is extremely hot and the sun light is so strong that there is a burning sensation on our skin.

What is happening ? Why is it so hot and so cold in different part of the world ? We notice that the weather is changing and going out of its norm. In China, it was reported that a few hundred people was stranded because of strong wind forcing the closure of some highways and people and vehicles have be rescue from strong winds.

In Japan, it had been hit be a few earthquakes apart from the Tsunami case involving Fukushima. Newspaper have reported another big earthquake will hit Japan in the next 4 years. What is to expected in the coming years as the weather keep changing to the extremes.

Back to the hot weather in Penang. Last year, the highest temperature during these hot months is 43 degree Centigrade. My friend told me that if we put an egg on a manhole cover, it will be cooked in seconds. The cover can be used as a frying pan, how wonderful? So, what about our skin? All of us know that constant exposure to strong sunlight can caused skin cancer, if it is getting stronger and stronger as time passes, we should do something about it, right?

The habit of wearing hats is only for the singers but what is wrong if we wear hats in these hot climate? Why hasn't this logical habit catch on with the people ? People in the cold climate wear hats to keep their head warm , why can't asian people wear hats to prevent their head been fried ? Again, this is the mindset issue.It is funny why do we care of what other people think of us? We should do things which is good for ourselves, why do we bother what they think. It is time to change and we have to change with time and the changing environment.

I have read that air con business have been doing fantastic sales and their business have jumped a few fold. Yes, people are hiding in their homes and offices to avoid the heat and this is a natural thing to do. In order to have a good time, we should equip our home and make it self sustainable and comfortable as we hide away from the heat. It is not going to get colder but hotter in the coming years.

Hence, folks we have change our mindset, equip our homes and drink alot of "cooling drinks " to regulate your health. It is very easy to catch a cold or a cough, when we move in and out of hot and cold places and it is important that we have to normalize our both temperature to prevent sickness. Take care and be aware of the danger of the changing temperatures and natura calamities.


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