Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Iron Lady - Magaret Thatcher

This afternoon I watch the movie, The Iron Lday with my wife and daughter. I have read so much about her especially her strong will and determination. The movie start off with an old lady buying a pint of milk from a store. The lady was frail and weak, walking very slowly back to her apartment. Now, Magaret is a very old lady. Her hsuband have passed away from Cancer.

The movie is about her tracing back all the important events in her life. She is the longest serving Prime Minister in UK and one of the most successful leader in the UK. She serves more than 10 years as PM and during her time, she fought the Falk Land war with Argentina, she deals strongly with the IRA and leading UK out of economic disaster. She was an oxford graduate and daughter of a grocery shop owner. SHe rules UK with an iron hand and lead the conservative party to several election wins until her colleagues over throw her and forced her to resign in mid of her term as Prime Minister.

THere were several touching moments like she suffers from hallucination as if her husband, Dennis was still around although he had passed away. The memory of her husband continued to haunt her until she decided to throw away all his belongs and return to reality. It was a touching moment as her busband's memory start to fade and yet, she was reluctant to let it go.

There were several insights which enlighten us and we should try to learn from that experience. One of the thing she holds strongly is her principle. The Falklands was a waste island but she protect it by spending heavily to gain it back from the Argentina. She said that if we cannot stand up to our principles, we will not be able to stand up for anything. She was right in that decision.

During her winning speech after the Falklands, she said " when there is error, only then the truth will prevail". It was very true, if an error occur, then we start to investigate and the truth will finally prevail. When everything is done nicely and cover up carefully, there could be fraud and mismanagement. Spotting error is the start for the discovery of truth.

At an ripe old age, her mind remained sharp and the memories of an attempt assisination on her life by IRA, greatly shaken her but she remained undefiant against terror. In her period as PM, she refused to negotiated with terrorist and took strong measures to suppress them.

The movie showed the twilight years of a great statesman as well as an ordinary person. This stage of life has to be through by all of us and this is what "age and sickness" is about in Buddha's explanation of the life cycle. If you watch this movie, for the youngsters, it is a peep into your future. Be aware.


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