Friday, February 17, 2012

A breakthrough at today's yoga class

Today, I have successfully done the headstand and the crow pose in the morning yoga class. I felt a sense of achievements. I know I can do it but I have be restrain myself from doing these pose. It was because of my mind's constraint that my body resist to perform this stance. Just like I have talk about my misaligned mind and body. It is strange that if you put your mind to do something, you will able to do it even if your physcial body is not prepared to perform it. The mind over body is a strong force which makes us perform the impossible.

ONe of my male yoga member told me on a Thursday class that we are in the yoga class to torture ourself. I told him this was my feeling a few years ago when i first took up yoga under the same teacher. At that class, I was sweating like nobody's business. Just like squeezing the water from a wet cloth and I was almost flat out. Totally wet at the end of the class. But, now, if I don't go to my yoga class, I will feel uncomfortable and uneasy. I do not have the feeling that I am torturing myself anymore but I am exercising and improving my body. The joy of pushing my body to the limit has become a part of me or my routine. It becomes a necessity and part of my routine in the week. Once, we set our body in motion, it will keep going and stopping become an unnatural act.

My teacher was amazed at my achievement. A student at my age could do the things as her younger members. I always told my teacher that I have to do the things at mo=y pace but it does not mean that I cannot do it. The younger students have more youth, strength and flexibility but I have the perserverance and I need more time to do the difficult pose. I have achieved a lot form yoga. I have regain certain degree of flexibility, I have gain strength to my hands and legs especially my deeper breathing movements. I could feel my body is getting stronger and stronger after each session. Thanks to my guru and her patience with me.


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