Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The wonders of a hot water bath

The wonders of a hot bath in a tub.

When we are very tired but yet cannot rest well , we should try to submerge ourselves in a tub of hot water.
The hot water will relax the body and make  the mind calm. However, we should remained aware of the sensation on our body and open up our pores in our skin to breath.

By being aware of the relaxed body and its sensation is like focusing our thoughts to be in a meditative thought. A focused mind on the feelings and sensation will cut away unnecessary thoughts and will also rest the mind.

This is the body-mind conditioning and harmony.  A relax mind brings us a relaxed body and vice versa. It is like feeling good on the outside give positive vibes to the inside and it also apply the same if we feel good inside , it projects a good outside. So, the body  mind combination and inside and outside connection makes our body relax and our mind calm.

We should do these exercise frequently but be cautious not to make the water too hot and for high blood pressured  patients, we need to avoid such treatment unless the water is only at a warm level.

It will be a good experience .


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