Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Greed leads to craving - waste woods

In Buddha's teaching, he says that greed leads to craving which leads to suffering and unhappiness. Contentment is happiness.  There is a chinese saying " if we are contended , we will happy even if we are poor ". So , what is the measurement of  contentment ? What is the basic criteria ?

The measurement of contentment is different for different people.  Some people is happy if we have a room to stay and food to eat but some people is contented if we have RM1 million in our account and someone else maybe  contented with RM3 million or so on.  There  is so much variations and personal judgement.

Today, my friend told me that her sister's new year resolution is become a " waste wood" and in chinese, it means a useless bum and another friend of her resolved that " she wants to be a worst waste wood than her sister". She asked me what is happening ?  I told her that they are smart and wise people who have " see through " what is life.  Life is a joke.  Mind you, they  are not stupid people and they hold doctorate degrees.

So, how can we be a waste wood without working ? Only people who have earned enough or have enough means can resolved to be a "waste wood" . Such wise people knows what Buddha's meaning of impermanence or nothingness. If we gathered more than we need , we cannot take it away and can only leave for the next generation but if we do not have dependents, what is the meaning to have more than what we need.  We cannot bring it along and leaving too much for our next generation can only weaken them and deprive them the strength to earn for themselves.

It is not easily to be a waste wood or a bum because it is self depreciating and a slap to our ego. Everyone of us have big egos unless we can see through life and opted to be a waste wood.

To all the waste wood or bigger waste wood in the world, yes, life is a joke , a bigger joke , so enjoy your freedom and carefree journey through this fake and illusive world.


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