Saturday, August 31, 2013

What is right or wrong? It matters.

What is right or wrong  ? There is a study that if a lie is said a thousand times .then a lie will  become the truth.  There was a experience on a mice and it proves that if a bell is rung each time, the mice is given food and this is repeated many times, this message will sink in the mind of the mice and it will run to a specific spot for its food. So, this technique is used used  very effective in politics and  vicious rumor mongering  and office politics. Many innocent and capable young man or ladies have been destroy by such conspiracy and evil scheming。 I have written about the word "ooohm" in Buddhist chanting. This word is deemed as powerful because it has been repeatedly changed for centuries and it carries an immense spiritual strength.  Lately. Yoga teacher is closing every yoga sessions with three loud "oohmms". She told us that there is a healing effect to our body and mind. The vibrations will help to heal the damaged parts of our body. For me, the really better after the chant. In Buddhism, we have to practice to say the right words and do the right actions. We should not partake in using lies to overcome truth but to use the tool for positive and good undertakings. Namaste.

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