Saturday, August 17, 2013

Words can find a love ...

Words  I read the wisdom posted on the FB and it reminds the power of words when it is said or used wrongly can hurt deeply and can even start a war. It can also start a loving relationship or spoiled a meeting or cancelled a contract or end a strong relationship.  We have to be aware of its power. This wisdom reminds me  of a dharma told by the Great Arjam Brahm. One day , a man have a argument with his wife and he said all the wrong words and the wife wants to leave him. He ran to see Arjan and Arjan told him to go to the market and buy a dead chicken and on the way home he has pull out all the feathers and throw it by the road side and keep the featherless  chicken in his fridge  after he has done it , he can come back for a answer. So, the man went off and did the things Arjan had told him. The next day ,he came to see Arjan for the answer for his problem. Arjan told him he can go back and try to bring the featherless chicken and locate back the feather and put back into the chicken. After hearing that , the man was upset and told Arjan that it is impossible to do what Arjan told him. In his response, Arjan told the man what he did to his wife was the same happening and it is impossible to put back all the words. This story illustrate the problems which wrong words can caused and before we utter any thing we must think carefully. Most of the times we do not think and it is controlled by our feelings,anger and ego. The downfall of man is because he became careless and arrogant. Control your mind , break your ego and speak  nicely and rightfully. Respect is not demanded and it had to be earned. Namaste.

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