Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tigers in the mountains.

There is a Chinese saying “ when we go up to the mountains too often, we will meet a tiger. This is a figure of speech because some mountains do not have tigers at all. This means that if we take risk to often , we will be in danger. If we flouted the laws too often, we will be caught.

Lets say we jump the red light too often, one day the Police will be there to catch you. This wise saying remind us that we have to be righteous and we have to comply with the law. People gets too confident when they start an illegal act and gradually, they will take more risk as they become confident and eventually, they took too much risk and they got caught when they are too greedy.

So greed and craving is one of the fundamental weakness of human being. Cutting corners or taking risk normally will bring much benefits. High risk , high returns and low risk, low returns. This is the fundamental theory of a risk profile. Because of this weakness and the temptation that goes with it, people become blind of the risk and becomes daring.

The consequences of being daring and greed is the tiger. It can harm you or kill you in the event. Suppress your greed and kick out your cravings, just being righteous or do the rightful act. Do try to defy the law and once you taste the sweetness, it will capture your heart and soul and if you are caught, you will ruin your whole life or the memory will torture you for the rest of your life.


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