Sunday, January 1, 2012

The passing of 2011 and welcome 2012

Is the passing of 2011 and the welcome of 2012 is significant in our life? Actually, it is just another day. No difference if we still keep our same mindset. However, psychologically, it is a stop and start process. It gives us a chance to start a fresh and have new resolutions and live differently. Getting drunk on 31st December and stay up late to welcome 2012, it only a fun process and it is just another crazy night. We do not need to wait until this day to do this crazy fun thing, we can do it on the eve of all public holidays and even on a Friday. An TGF weekly event

Yes, we have to change our mindset and to live a more meaningful life. The passing of one year is the same as passing of another 10 years and how many 10 years do we have? Time and space waits for no one. If we set our mind to do things differently, look at things differently and live differently, we will realize that there is much more things to life.

It is our choice to let ourself been drawn into the rat race or go into a routine and waiting for something to happen, We have to treasure the people around us, be more fair to ourself and to give more if possible. These are some basic things we can do but look into your heart and search within yourself what you want to do in life. Some specific things you wish to have or things which you have neglected or fail to do. Once, we set our mind to it, think about it seriously, pace it out and do it purposefully.

Life is just a dream and your dream is your life. The outcome is not important and we should enjoy the process. Enjoy every moment and put away our egoistic self. We do not need more but we should practice contentment. The basic human need for more is greed and cravings. We should instil this awareness in all of us and we will have a purposefully and meaningful life. We could touch our own life and the lives of others.

As a closing thought, practice kind compassion and loving kindness to yourself and all living beings. Change your mindset and you will change your life.


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