Monday, November 25, 2013

Feeling the hurt of another person.

After the passing of my elder brother, one of my friend told me that he could feel the saddness and hurt in me during his meditation practice. I do not know whether to believe him or not but I believe that if you care for someone, you will be able to feel his or her hurt if we open our heart. It need not be during meditation but just to think deeply for that person. Nevertheless, during our meditation if we focus our thoughts and open our heart to a particular person, we maybe able to get the contact with the person and we can sent our positive thoughts and wishes to lift up their spirit or relieve their pain. We cannot under-estimate the power of prayer or the power of positive thoughts to help a particular person. Our well wishes and positive thoughts can also have the same power of prayer or chanting. I was once taught by a Yogi to meditate and cure or reduce the suffering of another person. We can focus our blue energy during meditation and circled the blue energy around the injuries and the body or body parts of a person suffering pain clock wise provide the healing energy to that person. It was a long time ago and I have lost touch with that practice. Another Yogi have also suggested using the Universal energy to cleanse our body and the body of anyone we want to help. Anyhow, if we are sincere in our effort, we can achieved these objectives and it does not matter whether it work or not just like the work of the prayer or chanting. Namaste.

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