Sunday, May 12, 2013

What would the future bring ?

After the two massive post GE13 rallies by Pakatan , what is going to happen? Have the message been received by the BN Government ?  But , the EC have been denying of any wrong doings even there have been report of so many irregularities. Of course, they would not acknowledge their mistakes because it would caused the poll to be challenged in local or  international court. So, uncertainties will carry on in the coming months.

There are so many options and uncertainties. It depends greatly on the BN Government ie whether they choose to be reconciliatory or confrontational . Whatever,there should not be any denial but the EC should investigate the alleged frauds and to provide a fair report and maybe provide a proper solution like a fresh poll in these disputed areas. Otherwise, the frauds will remained in the mind of the Rakyat and it will spin and spin until it gets out of control.

On the part of the BN Government, there should not be any attempt to shut up the Rakyat  and  there should not be any negative statements to stir up the racial rift or blame on the Opposition, In order to defuse the heaty situation, there should be calm on the part of the Government and let the legal process take its place .  There should not be any attempt by the BN Government to interfere in the court proess or using the police to silent the Opposition or the Rakyat.

Every thing should be above board and be transparent .  More corrective actions must be done if there have been irregularities and for the BN government , UMNO should have an inclusive attitude and despite the huge losses of their partners ie MCA and Gerakan,   they should include the Chinese in the new Cabinet and showed their  sincerity that they really practice 1Malaysia and not just in words.

To ensure peace , there should be a attitude of reconciliation , transparency and compromise by both the BN government and the Opposition.  God's willing,  I hope everything will turn out right.


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