Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lunch at Khuntai Thai restaurant at Telok Kumbar, Penang

Today, I went to Balik Pulau to see one property which was recommended by my friend and
it was developmed by VST, a property group which was located at the main road.  After visiting the property, my brother told me that the old road leading to Balik Pulau have been newly developed , so I suggested that we go bcak to Air Item by the old road instead of the hilly road to Air Itam.

I was quite sceptical as the roads have been narrow and winding .I was taken by surpirse as the new road proved to be widen and there was several new bridge and highway to cut across from Balik Pulau to Telok Kumbar. It was much shorter and the new roads were quite wide and the driving was easy.

After reaching Teluk Kumbar, I wanted to see the sea and my brother told me to take a road to the sea side village of  Teluk Kumbar.  On the way,  I saw a Thai restaurant ,Khouthai Restaurant. I was abit thirsty and so I suggested that we take a drink and eat some light food.

Yes, the restaurant was situation by the sea side and the wind was strong today which caused the waves to be turbulent as well. The wind was dry and sticky  and the noise of the
waves was quiet distubing. We stayed on for lunch and the taste was  quite good and it was reasonably  cheap. The crowd was building up as we get up to leave.

It was a long drive back home to  Air Itam but the drive was worthwhile and it was quite a journey,


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