Saturday, May 18, 2013

Insults to our intelligence.

Insult to our intelligence In ancient times, the various kingdom have survived for extended period is to keep its citizens ignorant and weak. The education systems is not structure to inculcate thinking and reasoning. They also control the media to keep their citizen in the dark and there is a conspiracy to brain washed towards a believe in their King and Empire. Suddenly came the Internet, the social media and powerful gadgets to open up the immense knowledge of the world to everybody. The people suddenly became intelligent overnight and their knowledge and awareness breaks the hold of Kingdoms of information and knowledge. The hell have broke loose and the shit have hit the fan.

Now it is change or be changed. There is no more stupid talks and silly acts which can get away easy. Millions of eyes are looking at all of us. The light have replaced the darkness and all acts have be transparent.  It is not easy to use men against men anymore. The real time news are instantly aware through SMS , Facebook and twitter.

So wake up , Men of power . Don't keep your head in the sand or keep repeating your old tricks.  Time to realize that the only an honest day's work will pay.  Don't just open your mouth or blow your trumpet.  The bag pipper's trick is not going to work. So, mind your words and your language and be responsible for your actions. The trick of blaming others or hide behind your  ignorance is gone.   If you point a finger, three fingers are pointing back at you.

To you, Man of power. If you are not ready to serve or you are not up to the mark , please step down and fake away. You can fool people sometimes but you  cannot fool them all the times. Their intelligence have awaken. Before are pull down , you better step down and move aside. Don't stop the world from turning.

Again to you, Man of power.  Be aware the law of Karma, it will catch you one day. So. Don't ever think that you can cheat and get away with it. The sins you have created to enrich yourself or to hold on to power, will turn back against you. The righteous will rise and the sinful ones will fall. Time will tell. Namaste.

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