Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing Yoga 108

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Each Asana (posture) repeated twice, using #13 as relaxation after #14 through #16.

1. Pranayama

* good for mental relaxation
* helps with sleep disorders, irritability * helps maintain good blood pressure
2. Ardha Chandrasana

* strengthens abdominal muscles * releases frozen shoulders * aids in recovery of slipped or ruptured disc
3. Utkatasana

* relieves sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout in the legs * cure slipped disc and lumbago in the lower spine
* firms all muscles of thighs, calves, and hips
4. Garurasana

supplies fresh blood to the sexual organs and the kidneys * firms calves, thighs, hips, abdomen, and arms * improves the flexibility of the hip, knee, and ankle joints
5. Dandayamana–Janushirasana

* reduces diabetes * improves flexibility of sciatic nerves
* strengthens the tendons, biceps of the thigh muscles, and hamstrings in the legs
6. Dandayamana–Dhanurasana

* increases circulation to the heart and lungs * improves elasticity of the spine * creates marriage between strength and balance * regulates menstrual cycle * helps with lower back pain
7. Tuladandasana

* the most cardivascular pose in the series increases blood flow over the body at same time keeps the stomach trim or helps get it trim with shoulders up and chest down
* clears blockage of the arteries for prevention of cardiac problems
8. Dandayamana–Bibhaktapada–Paschimotthanasana

* helps relieve depression * loss of memory * constipation * increases circulation to the brain and adrenal glands * stretches the spine and back of the legs
9. Trikanasana

* changes chemical imbalances in the system * helps with menstrual disorders * the whole body is effected; muscles, nerves & tissues * good for hip and back pain
10. Dandayamana–Bibhaktapada–Janushirasana

* helps maintain good blood sugar balance * compression of the pancreas and kidney * marriage between pineal and thyroid * helps with colds, sinus problems, migraines * muscular, skeletal, endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems all benefit
11. Tadasana

* creates hip and knee mobility * excellent for posture and balance * the only pose which creates total body traction * releases abdominal tension * aids in rheumatism and circulatory disorders
12. Padangustasana

* creates balance in body and mind * strengthens stomach muscles * helps to avoid gout, arthritis of the knee, leg strengthens weak joints * challenges your mental concentration
13. Savasana

* returns the body to it's normal slate * preparation for floor series
14. Pavanamuktasana

* prevents flatulence, low back pain, constipation, anorexia * abdominal pressure on ascending, descending and tranverse colon regulates digestion * stretches tight hips * straightens the spine
15. Sit-up pose

* strengthens and tightens abdomen * releases toxins from the lungs
16. Bhujangasana

increases spinal strength and flexibility * helps prevent lower backache, cure lumbago, rheumatism, and arthritis of the spine * improves the functioning of the liver and spleen
17. Salabhasana

* cures gout, slipped disc, sciatica, and tennis elbow * excellent for firming buttocks and hips
18. Poorna–Salabhasana

* same therapeutic value as the Salabhasana and Dandayamana–Dhanurasana
19. Dhanurasana

* works entire spine * helps with back pain and scoleosis * holds vertebrae in position
20. Supta Vajrasana

* stretches and strengthens the psoas muscles * stretches knee and ankle joints * relieves lower back pain *slims thighs, firms abdomen and calves * helps cure sciatica, gout, vericose veins * helps prevent hernia
21. Ardha–Kurmasana

* provides maximum relaxation * cures indigestion, constipation, flatulence * good for emphysema and asthma * increases blood flow to the brain bringing mental clarity, good memory
22. Ustrasana

* opens the chest * strengthens muscles of the back & shoulders * produces maximum compression of the spine * often an emotional release happens in this pose * the nervous system is stimulated * improves flexibility of the neck and spine

23. Sanangasana

* helps maintain mobility and elasticity of the spine and back muscles * nurtures the nervous system * brings blood to the brain

24a. Janushirasana

* increases flexibility of the shoulder muscles, hip joint, and last five vertebrae of the spine * stretches sciatic nerve * increases circulation to the liver, spleen, pancreas, thyroid, thymus and intestines

24b. Paschimotthanasana

* circulation of blood to legs & brain * flexibility of the spine * stretches the back of the legs
25. Ardha–Matsyendrasana

* only posture that twists the spine from top to bottom at the same time helps prevent slipped discs, scoliosis, arthritis, rheumatism * increases circulation and nutrition to the spinal nerves, veins and tissues * relieves lethargy, releases tension * helps cure vertigo and dizziness * maintains youth by improving flexibility of the spine

26. Kapalbhati in Vajrasana

* improves oxygenation to the body * rids the body of toxins * energizes and revitalizes the body * helps bring mental clarity and alertness
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