Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Talking about GOD after CNY lunch.

Time for family lunch and dinner gathering as part of the CNY tradition.  After lunch, my wife , BIL and SIL was sitting around chatting and catching up with what is going around.  My SIL, MC was talking about another SIL's weird behaviour and finally, we dwell into the subject of religion. My SIL, MC was talking about her late husband who have passed away a few months ago and since then, her husband have not come into her dreams or attempt to contact her. She said that her husband was a christian but have not been attending to the church activities for the past 30 years since the death of his 1st wife. The reason was that his family's call to GOD for help did not materialized and that was the reason, his family members have not entered a church since then.  After death, her husband was accorded a christian wake and was buried at the Nirvana burial hall. Jokingly, I told her that her husband is busy making new friends and have no time for her.

My SIL, MC continued to talk about religion and Christianity with all of us.  One of my BIL Jim was a christian and I think he join the church after the death of my MIL.Counting back , it would have been a few years. Another BIL,Song was a free spirit but I think he is a Buddhist in his heart.  MC told us that her husband's Pastor have requested to see her after CNY and she has decided to hear him out . She told us that the Pastor can predict the future and he sounds very real.Jokingly, my BIL, Song told her that from hindsight , everything is right. Well, I think my SIL, MC is confused and do not know what to believe. I told her to keep an open heart and open mind. When the time is ripe, she would get a calling. If there is no religious calling , it is also a calling. The end is the same whether or not , there is any religious calling.

Foretelling the future is nothing new. There are many fortune tellers and astronomers  who claims that they can tell the future , are they all GOD ? Actually, the whole Bible is a book of predictions which have been compiled through the centuries by people who claim that they can foretell the future or they receive messages from GOD and they put it in writing. Don't mistaken me, I do not take sides although I am a Buddhist.  I am trying to look at the matter objectively and is trying to inspire the quest for the truth.

In conclusion, whether I am a Buddhist or my BIL or SIL is a christian , it does not matter. It is like taking a different route to a common ending. Religion will make our life through this journey easier and more certain. If we do not receive any calling unlike those privilege ones, just keep an open heart and mind and enjoy our journey through life.  Your spiritual master will come and wake you up when the time is right. There is a time for everything , be patient and in the meantime, don't worry and be happy.

I would like to dedicate this article to MC, the lost soul.   Remember, our Yoga teacher always tell us to relax, empty our mind and be aware of the present.  Don't think too far for it may not come.  Live in the present.


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