Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shaolin - The movie

It is about a greedy warlord who killed his adopted brother because he feels that his brother will kill him if he do not kill him first. Before this happen, he had trained his protege in the image of him, cruel, ruthless and mad. He was betrayed by his protege after he killed his adopted brother and was almost assassinated by his protege's follower. He survived and hide himself in the Shaolin temple which he once despise. In the process, his only daughter was killed and his wife left him. After this stage, he realized that he was wrong and he repented over his evil deeds and finally, became  a monk.  He learn Buddhism and his shaolin Kungful from the temple and was progressing well when his protege came searching for him because he cannot sleep knowing that his master is alive. There was a deadly fight between the two and he was killed trying to save his protege twice as a third enemy force starts shelling the temple.  His last words to all : I have created him and it is my fate to save him ". 

This is a great message. Who would so easily and willingly admit that he has created a monster and taking responsibility for all his evil deeds ? It takes great space and wisdom not to re-act when someone slaps you in the face. To have this restrain and control over oneself is the ultimate achievement in freeing one self from our self ego.  To forgive is easy but to forget is the hard part.  When we are hurt, the wound stays with us and open up at appropriate timings to unwind the thoughts and the bitterness sets in.  I think the show is a bit rhetoric and full of drama to emphasize the change in the actor. Maybe, it is the painful event of losing the daughter but it is not so easy to turn over a new leaf.

Having said that, a movie should be full of drama but there are simple messages which we can draw from the movie to enlighten us that life is a long and winding road and our fate is uncertain. To change our habit should be gradual and painful unless some dramatic events which change us completely. Don't wait for the moment, as we evolves, we should move towards righteousness and discard our evil deeds and thoughts. This will make us sleep better.


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