Monday, February 14, 2011

I saw a familiar reflection yesterday

Yes, letting go is hard to do. It is easy said than done. When it is time to go, it is just like letting go your past and facing and uncertain future. Sometimes, we fight to be heard to show our displeasure or to kick up a fuss to be notice. This is the side effects of aging. It is so hard to be doing something else after so many years of working and been useful. In the past , waking up is for a purpose that is going to work and everything is set for the day.

Yesterday, I saw a ghostly reflection at a meeting.  It saddens me very much because the person I used to work with is retiring from the company and the meeting was supposed to be his last attendance. I know deep inside, he knows the answer to the issue  raise at the meeting but he just want to cast some doubts and questions to be heard  and showing his displeasure. He has another agenda that is to tell all of us that he is still useful and not to be written off so soon.  But, in the process, he casted doubts on the ability  and creditability of his staff who have work and  trained under him for so many years.  He was biting too hard and he hurts the people who have once supported him in his work. What an exit !

This is not new. In the past, I have seen some many of my ex-colleagues leaving with so much anger in their heart. The reason is that some of them feel that they can still work effectively after reaching their retirement age and the company is not giving them this opportunity or they feel that the company have not recognized their contributions to the company fairly and reward them adequately and so on and so forth with some many other reasons. Yes, letting go is an easy thing to do but it is just a matter of sooner or later. The most important thing is that we have to walk out from our place of work with our head held high and dignified.  I have seen some of my ex-colleagues doing just that and moved on with their life beautifully. We just have to let go and there will be things out there for us to do. There is a Chinese saying " Age and time spare no one ".

Taking an analogy from Ajahn Chad, a Buddhist monk.  When we pick up the stick and hold on to it, it will get heavier as time goes by. We have a choice either to hold on to it and suffer the pain or throw it away and live freely. The faster we throw it away, it will be better as we can feel our hands for something else.  Just letting out of the stick is a mighty decision because  we have been holding on to it and it has become our hand or part of our body. Believe me, discard it and you will feel lighter and more mobile. Yes, it is not easy, we have to build our mindset towards this point and make it easy for us to let go.  If we are carrying a rack sack full of sticks, it is better that we take it out one by one and start throwing it away until it is time to let go. If we follow this process, it will be easier for us to adjust our conditions.

Life is full of beautiful things and plentiful of sunshine. If we take a step back, we will see a bigger horizon and more colours and beautiful things.  Smell the fresh air and emerge your self into nature and you will life more refreshing and interesting.  Just open up your heart and mind and you will know what I mean.

I would like to end this sad episode here and move on with my life.


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