Saturday, April 26, 2014

Transit in Dubai - on the way to Africa.

Transit in Dubai

After an overnight flight. I have safely reached Dubai and now waiting for transit to Alis Ababa. Eutropia. It was a five hours wait before the connecting flight.

I was surprise that there was so many tourist to Dubai and many tourist also from Malaysia. I think it is impossible to live in Dubai if you don't have money. This is the place to find gold for many foreign workers like in the ancient China , the Chinese workers were sold to work as hard laborers in the US.  Now Dubai is another gold mine for those money hunters.

I am traveling on Emirate Airline and this is the second time I am traveling on the same Iine but first time on a business class.

Dubai is a transit hub for all over middle was and the rest of the world including Africa. The Emirate Air have one of the most modern Aeroplane and the crews are make up of many nationalities.  Their seats are so comfortable and spacious and you really feel that you are siting on a massage chair.  Wonderful experience.

The emirate lounges are so spacious and nich decorated.
The Dubai lounge was so crowded and this could see that the airline is great demand.

If you happen to come this way, I would like to recommend you to use the Emirate Air.


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