Monday, June 18, 2012

Love is to be cherished .

Once I was told by someone that love cannot be contained in a container . It has life  and feeling of its own. It will find its own path  and once, it is no more there, it will be  gone without any reason. You cannot catch it and caged it up. It is non tangible.

It is like perfume. When it grows , the smell gets stronger and when it fade, it will slowly vanished.  Love is borderless and limitless. Just open your heart and you will feel the love. The love for everything.

Some people say that when you love a person, it is like letting it fly and when it come back to you, there is still love and when it flew and never come back, that is the end of love.  It becomes a memory.

Some people say that love is like standing afar and watch over a tree. See how it grow and branch out freely. Let its roots take its path and let the leaves fall at will.

We can never own a love. We can own a person but we cannot own their love. Love acts in a mysterious way and when it happen , it just happen. When it is gone, it leaves behind no trace.

We cannot demand to be love because love comes naturally. Love is like respect , it needs to be earned. But, surprisingly, it may not happen when it is needed most but it can happen at its  unexpecting timing.

Love cannot be enough, it grows extensively and deeply. Never we can stop it nor control it. It spread far and wide. Across miles of ocean and thousands of mountain. Where there is love, there is love. Those people who are fated to be loved or to love, it will just happen.

Open your heart , stretch out your hands, feel it . It is right there.


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