Friday, December 16, 2011

Don't stop breathing.

Many people are not aware that they are not breathing at all or not breathing properly at times. It could be that they are breathing on one side. Either the left or right or stop breathing for a few seconds at intermitten intervals or for a longer period of time. IN such cases, when they wake up, they could be feeling drowsy or sluggish even after 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

I we nreath unbalancedly, our body will get too cold or too old. If we breath in evenly through both nose, our body temperature will be regulated. If our beathing is too shallow or breath in differing speed , it will sent the wrong message to the body and alTar the body's temperature and functions. We could either catch a cold or have an irregular heart beat or intensely tired,

There are exercise to regulate the rythmn, balance the breath, slow down the breathing and strength each breath and balance the body temperature and functin. People practice Tai Chi, qi-gong, yoga and walking meditation to improve the performance of each breath.

Tai chi regulates the speed of each breathing by using the hands movement. The slowness of the hand guide each breath and the flow of the energy or Chi. If we practice it regularly, it has tremendous impact on our health as the in-take of oxygen is very much enhanced. It is like adding strength to our body everyday.\

Qi-gong is another exercise to strengthen the lung and also use the hands and breathing to strengthen our body. It is also to improve our breathing and let the lungs absolved the maximum amount of oxygen from each breath into our body. It acts like a health tonic.

For Yoga, the pose, stretching and the routine will strengthen our lungs and our breathing technique. We are forced to breath at the different constricted space in our lungs. Yoga is an exercise which squeeze all the air out from the lungs and breath in the air into the most isolated and unused space in the lungs and maximize each breath and holding it at regulated intervals. It drains all the air in the body and replace it with each breath. Always have fresh air in the body. Wonderful breath.

I have also read about the walking mantra where our walking control our breathing length and speed. Breath out to a count of four and breath in and breath out to a count of four and slowly lengthen it to 10 from the graduate breath in and breath out. Through practise and repetition, it becomes our habit and natural mechanism. It will slow down the whole body mechanism and provide abundant fresh oxygen to our body and mind.

If we check of breathing during sleep, we would be surprised how many times we stop breathing and it is alarming to see the length of each stop. In extreme cases, it could lead ot high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Just watch out and check your own performance by seeing a Doctor. If you are aware and you do the necessary exercise to regulate it , you will have a wonderful life.


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