Sunday, October 23, 2011

Where is the pressure coming from ?

I was a bit tense as I was requested to received an award representing a project which I have spent so much time and energy .  It was a well worth project and we deserve to be awarded. It should be received with pride and honor and I should be happy to be one of the key members in the team. But , I feel pressurized and tense. Why ?

         I think it might be because I was already in my senior years and such achievements should be received by someone younger . In my younger days, I have been receiving such awards especially in establishing new ventures or setting up new frontiers and of course, many other awards for achievements , cost cutting and innovations.  I was picking up awards during the early part of my careers like the Sultans giving out the Datos’ award every year. There is a joke that if you throw a stone to a  group of people, you will hit a Dato in the heard

         Later , when I gets into my senior years, I became shy and humble to receive such awards and I have been staying away from the lime lights and start living in a low profile. I have a few years of quiet life and staying away from the radar and help to promote projects in the back rooms while pushing the young ones to stand up and go for the awards.

         The awards have cash awards and some recognition of our leadership and achievements although, it is not much.  My wife have been telling me to give the merits to the young ones and I have been faithfully following her advise.  Even  my boss have told me that it is time to promote other people to have such creativity and leadership.  I think he is very wise in this movement.

This is perhaps the reason for my tension. Am I holding to my job for too long and depriving my staff the opportunity to advancements ?  Am I over staying ? I am not sure but I feel that I can still contribute and enjoy contributing to the success and advancement of  my Company using my experience and knowledge to provide the necessary guidance.  But, there is a time to let go and I will know the time when I have to move on.


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