Friday, October 28, 2011

Sleeping together under the same blanket ?

Yesterday, I read a posting by my daughter’s friend in the FB and she question our mindset regarding our thinking if we saw two person , one male and one female sleeping together in the same bed and under the same blanket ? Most of us will jump to the same conclusion that they should be lovers. But, No.  She said that it not necessary that they are lovers and it is only for the warmth and the passion like caring for each other.

I happen to discuss this issue with a colleague and she told me that in this generation, this scenario could be true. Best friends , whether they are male or female can just sleep together and nothing happens. However, for the older generation, this action will be unacceptable and there is a Chinese saying “ that paper cannot wrap around fire”.  This saying means that there is a  strong passion or sex urge between two different sex and  the love fire will ignite. My colleague told me that my thinking forms the majority of the opinion in yesteryears but now, it is the minority’s opinion and if we don’t change our mindset, we will out of this world soon.

It frightening how the thoughts have  evolve  and we are returning to the world of no possessions. Like in the song, Imagine, John Lennon have preach the philosophy of no possession and there will be more peace. True or not true, like or you don’t like , the world is changing. Human possessing each other is getting obsolete and life long partner is a thing of the past. Divorce or single mothers or single person is the trend today. The idea of the a complete family have also change much and a single parent can do a better job that two incompatible couple who quarrel and fight each day in front of their children.

I think I am convinced that whichever works well for each person is fine and there is no fixed formula. If the process have evolved and change , so let it be and it maybe better for the world.  Let it be and lets live as the choice belongs to each person and as long as they are happy then that should be fine whether it is one night stand or sleeping together under the same blanket, why should it bother you ? Why you want to be the Hero and try to change the world or reverse their mindset ?  Live on , pal and this is not your world.


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