Saturday, October 22, 2011

The spirit of giving and sharing

Hav\\\\\ing more is a measurement of success,comfort and stability. We are taught from young that we need to work hard and save for the raining days but we are not taught how much is enough.So, the logic is the more the better, the bigger the better and eventually, money is power, so the more we have, the bigger is our recognition and more respect we get. Where is the end and also how to achieve this level of success.

When we study at school, college and universities, we want to be the best? We aimed for the number of As and we are recognized by the number of As. When we join the rat race, we try to run as fast as we can and to be in the leading pack. We want to be Usaine Bolt, running below 10 seconds. We continued to be struggling to be the best and earn the most. In the process, we saved our earnings and try to become rich and the richest if possible. What is wrong with that? It is our rights and achievements, we do not bother other people. Let it be me, ok?

Yes, there is nothing wrong and it is perfect alright and acceptable. But, we are forgetting that we are connected in many ways and no man is an island. Everything in the world is inter-connected. What we do affect the Mother Earth, what we eat affect the eco system , what we use and dispose affect the future generations. We have to learn to understand what is going around us, what we can do to make the world a better place to live , what we contribute to make society more safe to live and work. If we start to only consider what is good for ourself and disregard our surrounding and society then things will start ot get worse. We have to do our part rather than letting others carry our burden.

Another point we are missing is to enjoy the fruits of been compassion and live in the happiness of giving and sharing. If you cannot finish an apple share with your friends instead of throwing it away or leave it to rot. If you have been successful, give your knowledge back to society by teaching the poor, if you are wealthy, share you excess with the charities instead of leaving too much to your next generation. Understandi the fact that little is much and excesses breed weakness and laziness.

Spend sometime to think about my message and make some arrangement towards achievingthese goals. If it comes from your heart, you will feel its greatness and the satisfaction in life. Don't wait until tomorrow is your last day, then you write in your will to give and share. Do it when you are alive and enjoy the moments of compassion and loving kindness. Why do you have to wait until you are dying or when you are dead before you decide to give and share. You will not know how satisfied you are. I have seen many cases of people giving only when they are sure they don't need the riches anymore after they die.

You are do it differently, it is your choice and you will make the world a happy place to live it for everyone.


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