Friday, October 28, 2011

It is a sunshine day....

It has been raining the last few days and I did not managed to see the  bright morning sun.  What a welcome sight and it really turns away the gloomy feelings. In Thailand, there is still massive flooding and the Thai Government have declared a 5 days emergency holiday in Bangkok and it was reported that the flood may overflow the river banks and the worst it yet to come.

The Malaysian authority is also predicting thunder storm and heavy rain for certain part of Malaysia.. It may happen or it may not happen but life still have to live on. It is funny that if we see sunshine as it that it will be there forever and when it is raining, it is out of the blues. Our mindset is always looking at the bright side of things and when bad weather come, we curse and swear but bad weather is part of the eco system. Without rain, it will not balance the nature and the whole eco system will fail.

Just like in life, there is sunshine and bad weather and we have to take it as it come. We do not only learn to dance on a sunny day but if the rain come, why should we change our mood . We have to live as usual and do other activities under that condition.  The changing weather will last forever but our time is running out. Why we have to stop on raining days to live our life in full.

If we are living in the Sahara dessert, we will welcome the rain and it is surely change the mood and makes us more relieved.  It is a blessing to experience rain in the dry area . While in the tropics, it cause havoc and unpleasant feelings.  Well, GOD is fair, isn't it ?

There is a popular saying " one man's meat , another man's poison". The solution to an issue is like a double edged sword, it cuts both ways. A blessing as well as a curse depending on the prevailing circumstances. We have to be aware of this ever changing situation in order to live peacefully. The ever changing conditions in our life needs us to adjust our condition as there is no permanent fixes for a lot of factors in our life. The process of growing old, our fixed thoughts while the external factors are changing so fast/. If we don't adjust, we will be living out of this world.

My message is that don't take things for granted and be prepared to adjust and live within your means. Either adjust to your living according to your wealth, health and the conditions of your love ones.


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