Monday, October 21, 2013

Fragile relationships -an insight

Fragile relationships There has to be a strong foundation  before any relationships can hold. Relationship that based on mutual benefits and self Internet will not last. It will be like sparrows in the woods, they will split ways if trouble comes. I have my fair share of fragile friendships and I have saw many such incidences in my life. Good friends  can quarrel over a small misunderstanding and became enemy because of a word  being said out of anger.  Some is due to promotions. Self ego, money or some hurtful relationships.  If two person is not happy together, why is there a need to stay together? It is better to depart as friends instead of as enemy. Don't let emotions control you and make the situation go beyond control Nd leading each party saying or doing  the wrong things. When we are angry. We should keep our mouth shut and do nothing. Choose a good movie to let the anger weaken and wear down. When we are hurt and angry, ego and pride takes over and we lost control of ourselves. We should turn our focus inwards and look at our self. You will be very surprise that it is not what you want to say or do. A stranger have taken over you. Long time ago, I have treated a friend  very well . Taught her all I know and guide her in doing business. When she wants to get married , she have her own plans and turned against me and blame me for not supporting her business plan. It was very hurtful and all these incidences have become bad memories. This lesson in life really make me wake up and be aware of the fragility in relationships. Only those relationships which grow out of love and care can only weather the condition of hurt, anger and ego. Don't expect anything in a relationship and there will be no disappointments. Namaste.

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