Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fate, that is what it is...

Fate , that is what it is. There is a Chinese saying " when there is fate, a thousand miles away yet we will meet. If there is not fated, when we met it is like a stranger who pass me by". This wisdom have been passed down a thousand years and we don't know who is the writer. It does not matter here. What I am saying is that in our life , thousands o people passed through our life as family members, friends, lovers, peers , strangers, benefactors , enemies, good friends, parent, etc in many roles and in many playing in our life . Some people stay longer in our lives and in many length influencing our thoughts , actions and decisions in our life. It is so strange that it is as if the script of our life have been written in advance and we are merely playing our role and acting out the script。Hence. Who we are fated to meet have fixed. If we are aware of this script and if we choose another choice  to avoid the script which we know is lay out for us, the deviating choice is like another script written out. But , it also seem that this was the original script.  So   What is real and what is false is constantly changing and we are following the script. Therefore, if we choice to skip dinner and go hungry and is away from the normal routine. It turns out that you skip the routine as in the script。You are supposed to skip the dinner and get hungry. It is because you follow the script to make that decision and stay hungry. In other words, the script have many possibilities and we can never jumped out of the script called "fate". Namaste.

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